Nancy Tingley Watercolorist

Painting and drawing have always been what interest me most. I enjoy working with my hands to create a visual image with whatever medium and on whatever surface best fits the finished piece. I work with watercolors, acrylics or oils on wood, metal, canvas, paper or walls. Challenges in trying new surfaces and mediums are always around the corner. My mind never stops.

Watercolors have a special ongoing interest for me because of the versatility of the medium. It is exciting to be spontaneous and very detailed in the same piece of work. Because of my lifelong interest in hiking and camping I am naturally drawn to the native plants and berries of the Northwest. Botanicals especially lend themselves to watercolors.

Background & Training

  • BFA - Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland, OR
  • Numerous and on-going painting classes.
  • Teaching young artists programs, Portland, OR Schools
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